Hurricane Harvey has destroyed homes across Texas. Most of us are suffering from sleep deprivation and stress. If you need help ReBuilding or would like to volunteer to help, please click here. Sleep Better to be a Your Best

Hurricane Harvey has destroyed homes across Texas. Most of us are suffering from sleep deprivation and stress. If you need help ReBuilding or would like to volunteer to help, please click here. Sleep Better to be a Your Best
Good Nutrition Can Help You Sleep There’s no doubt about it, what you eat and drink does have an impact on your sleep. The good news is that you are in control, but it can be difficult to know where to make changes in your diet to improve your overall sleep or beat the occasional […]
Taking a nap at the right time can turn your whole day around, allowing you to fly through your work day in good spirits. The sleep medicine community is pretty much in agreement that naps boost creativity, memory, productivity and moods. Check out the 3 types of naps that Oprah Magazine says you need to add […]
Insomnia is no joke, especially if you are mom with a ton of things of your to-do list. It’s common for moms to battle insomnia after being woken up by their new baby or 5-year-old who needs mom to check under the bed for monsters. With so many responsibilities, it can be difficult to lie […]
As the temperature continues to drop in Houston, winter sleep should be a breeze, right? Wrong. Quality sleep during the winter season can be just as difficult to obtain as it is during a hot, sticky summer. Avoid these cold weather mistakes suggested by The Huffington Post to keep sleeping soundly: Cranking up the heater: […]
A frustrating night of insomnia always comes at the worse time. You may find yourself staring at the alarm clock, stressed and anxious about not being asleep, as well as the upcoming day. According to Shelby Freeman Harris, Psy. D at, learning the art of mindfulness can change the relationship you have with shut-eye–and you […]
Practicing great sleep hygiene requires a few things, but it can be hard staying the course to make each night a success. Your bedroom should be a sleep sanctuary for relaxation and Grade A snooze. To make things a little easier for yourself, The Huffington Post suggests you ban 5 items from your bedroom: 1. Your […]
One of the best ways to ensure a great night’s sleep is to make the most of your bedtime ritual. Our bodies aren’t machines that fall asleep on command, no matter how hard we try. Try these sleep tips we found on Men’s Journal to get deeper, refreshing sleep each night: 1. Turn down the […]
Have you been experiencing any sleep issues lately? It’s important that you get back on track as a lack of sleep has been linked to chronic diseases and earlier death. Obtaining high-quality sleep isn’t the same for everyone, making it more difficult to figure out what’s the best plan to meet your sleep needs. However, […]
Falling asleep at the right time can be harder that it sounds. We are all simply so, busy that without truly thinking of the consequences, we let sleep fall wayside more that we should. However, changing your sleep habits can bring you great rewards. Try these 10 easy tips we found on Lifehack to get […]