Hurricane Harvey has destroyed homes across Texas. Most of us are suffering from sleep deprivation and stress. If you need help ReBuilding or would like to volunteer to help, please click here. Sleep Better to be a Your Best

Hurricane Harvey has destroyed homes across Texas. Most of us are suffering from sleep deprivation and stress. If you need help ReBuilding or would like to volunteer to help, please click here. Sleep Better to be a Your Best
A frustrating night of insomnia always comes at the worse time. You may find yourself staring at the alarm clock, stressed and anxious about not being asleep, as well as the upcoming day. According to Shelby Freeman Harris, Psy. D at, learning the art of mindfulness can change the relationship you have with shut-eye–and you […]
Take a moment to consider how you respond to stress; do you go for an extra glass of wine or stay up a little longer to watch TV? One study shared by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine suggests that the way you react to stress may increase the likelihood that you’ll experience insomnia, not the […]
Clearing your mind enough to fall asleep can be more of challenge on some nights than others. However, Time Magazine has recently shared a technique to help solve that problem, the “4-7-8” exercise. More than 50 % of adults admitted to stress keeping them awake at least 1 night each month in a survey […]
Shutting your brain down for sleep after an intense day of commuting, deadlines and a lengthy to-list can seem nearly impossible. While mindfulness meditation has been recommended as an overall relaxation tool, new research is highlighting its ability to help older adults with moderate sleep disturbance issues improve their sleep habits and shut-eye. Published in […]
While meditation is a common practice, it can be frustrating to know exactly where to start and to stay focused in the beginning. However, you may want to at least try some of the basics, as mediating can help you relax and collect deeper, refreshing sleep. Mediating all about staying present in the moment and […]
Being at peace and relaxed before climbing into bed is crucial to getting the high quality sleep you deserve every night. Nonetheless, shutting down your brain to make it all happen can be quite challenging after a long day filled with morning traffic, work deadlines, calculating bills, and not to mention satisfying all of your […]
Insomnia always seems to strike at the worst time. You may find yourself staring at the alarm clock, stressed and anxious about not being asleep as well as the upcoming day. According to Shelby Freeman Harris, Psy. D at, learning the art of mindfulness can change the relationship you have with shut-eye–and you can work on it […]