Source: The Huffington Post
While everyone’s sleeping style is different and we all have a preferred sleeping position, it’s important to be aware of how that preference affects you.
In an effort to bring more awareness to how sleep positions affect our health as well as comfort during the night, The Huffington Post put together this easy to read info-graphic to follow along.
In addition, here’s what we know about sleeping positions:
Sleeping on your back is great for balancing body weight and keeping the organs in line. It also prevents neck and back pain. However, if you are a snorer, sleeping on your back will make the issue worse.
Sleeping on your side can help to keep pressure off of your back. When lying in this position, it is best you keep a pillow under your head to help your posture and alignment. Sleeping on your left side also will also reduce heartburn pain. Luckily, there aren’t a lot of negatives to sleeping in this position as it follows the natural curvature of the spine.
Sleeping on your stomach may help when you have lower back pain as it will relieve the pain on the spaces in between discs. However, it should be noted that sleeping on your stomach is also the most risky sleep position. It flattens the natural curve in the lower back and keeps your head turned one way at night, distorting the alignment of the neck. Extra and unnecessary pressure is also exerted on the nerves when lying in this position. It’s why you may feel “pins and needles,” pain when you wake up.
A 2012 survey revealed that 74% of Americans sleep on their sides, while 16% sleep on their stomachs and only 10% sleep on their backs. What is your preferred sleeping position?
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