Take Control of Your Dreams While You Snooze!
Why do we dream? While there are many theories regarding why we dream, researchers recognize that many people can experience their nighttime adventures in a very personal way. Lucid dreaming is the incredible ability to be aware you’re dreaming while you are in a the dream state. These sleepers wake up during their dreams, with […]

4 Reasons To Avoid Sleep Deprivation
With more that 70 million adults suffering from some form of a sleep disorder, it is no surprise that sleep has become a major health topic. A lack of sleep increases the risk of accident and injury, as well as health risks such as cancer, diabetes, glaucoma and early death. You may feel as though […]

7 Ways to Ease Your Pain for Quality Sleep
Falling asleep and staying asleep is even more difficult when you are experiencing pain. Whether its frequent headaches, a sprain, pinched nerve or an old injury come back to life, it’s even more critical to make the effort to sleep well as doing gives your body the strength to heal quicker and cope much better, […]

Children Study: Short Sleepers Consume More Calories
The prevention of obesity -especially in children- has been a foremost health concern in recent years. According to researchers at the University College London, children who sleep less also eat more, which may lead to obesity later in life. The researchers’ goal was to find out if children who were short sleepers consumed more calories, […]

Study Reveals Link Between Education and Dreams
We are always excited to share the findings of new research regarding one of our favorite sleep topics, dreams. According to study shared by The Huffington Post, your level of education may have the ability to affect what you dream about. Research firm YouGov and the dream education group DreamsCloud teamed up and found that […]

9 Ways to Encourage Restorative Sleep Every Night
Enjoying quality sleep can seem like a hit-or-miss experience, especially if you aren’t prepared. However, regularly practicing habits that support a healthy lifestyle and restorative shut-eye improves your chances drastically. Try applying these tips shared by PureWow to make each night your best: 1. Sip on tart cherry juice: Cherries naturally contain a high amount […]

What Nightmares May Reveal About One’s Health

Dreams: Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus
As others studies have shown that men and women sleep differently, it’s not so surprising that there are differences when it comes to how we dream. Based on surveys and studies, The Huffington Post says that researchers are able to see common themes in men and women’s dreams, respectively: Men Tend To Dream Of: Success […]

Study: Finding the Right Bedtime For Toddlers
Tantrums and simply refusing to fall asleep are common problems parents face when getting their children to stick to a bedtime routine. One study suggests the issue may be that children have already biologically chosen their bedtimes, and that bedtime may conflict with the one set by parents. Researchers at the University of Colorado studied 14 […]