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5 Bedtime Snack Tips for More Restful Sleep

5 Bedtime Snack Tips for More Restful Sleep

Choosing the perfect bedtime snack can make or break your sleep. Despite the common belief that eating at night can lead to weight gain, enjoying bedtime snack can be beneficial to your snooze without impacting your waistline. If you’re looking to fall asleep faster with deeper shut-eye to look forward to every night, give these […]

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The Cost of Great Customer Service: Insomnia

The Cost of Great Customer Service: Insomnia

It is no secret that in the customer service industry, the customer is always right and that smiling is a part of the job description. Nonetheless, an intriguing small study was published in the journal Personnel Psychology and it suggests that we should consider the consequences of emotional labor in the workforce as it affects sleep. Emotional labor can […]

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Poor Sleep Linked to More Stress for Students

Poor Sleep Linked to More Stress for Students

According to a new study, poor sleep could encourage more negative effects of stress for students. Research from Concordia University’s Center for Clinical Research in Health and the PERFORM Centre shows that quality sleep serves as a buffer to protect children from the impact of stress on their cortisol levels, which regulates immune, cardiovascular and […]

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Mattress Mack’s Ultimate Sleep System: The Mack-O-Pedic

Mattress Mack’s Ultimate Sleep System: The Mack-O-Pedic

When did you last replace your mattress to improve your relationship with sleep? Gallery Furniture owner, Jim McIngvale, affectionately known as Mattress Mack by millions of loyal customers and fans, released his very own ultimate sleep accessory last year, the Mack-O-Pedic sleep system. Certified by the Sleep to Live Institute after being thoroughly tested for high-quality, durability, longevity, support, and comfort, […]

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