5 Ways to Boost Your Sleep as a Working Mom
For the working mom, getting a full night of high-quality sleep may seem like a dream. Your to-do list is getting longer every day with personal and business responsibilities, increasing your stress and making it harder for you to fall asleep when you do get the chance. You may even be self-inflicting sleep deprivation, using […]

What Does a Sleep Apnea Episode Look Like?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eefENjaOgjg As the dangers of sleep apnea are dominating the sleep health spotlight, you still may not know exactly what to look for. Snoring is a common habit for many people and doing so on a regular basis is definitely a possible red flag. However, it’s the pauses in breathing that are the major concern […]

Skipping Sleep Lately? Expect These Mishaps to Occur
Chronic sleep loss could be adding more lows and stressful situations to your weekday without you ever taking notice. When you don’t sleep enough, factors like cancer, high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, and even an early death could cut your future plans short, and the short-term effects aren’t exactly ideal either. What would happen […]

Ask Brandon: The Facts Behind Pillows
Pillows are one of the key components that most people think of it comes to being comfortable in bed. They are just as unique as mattresses; your pillow preference may not be the same as the person you sleep next to, and that is perfectly normal! Q: Speaking in terms of evolution, how level was […]

7 Tips To Practice For Achieving Rejuvenating Sleep
Millions of Americans struggle with not only getting enough sleep, but making sure the sleep they do get is sufficient. Sleep better, and increase your energy every morning by applying these real-life sleep tips shared by Self for a better you: Acceptance: Recognize the signs that you aren’t getting enough quality sleep. You can’t wake up […]

Does a Lack of Emotional Control Predict Insomnia?
Published in the British Journal of Health Psychology by the British Psychology Society, researchers from Örebro University in Sweden had 2,333 adults answer questions regarding their emotional regulation and insomnia symptoms. Difficulties with impulse control and a “lack of emotional awareness,” along with problems falling asleep, nighttime awakenings, waking up too early and challenges caused by […]

Common Critical Mistakes Made When it Comes To Baby Sleep
From the moment new moms give birth to their bundle of joy, their relationship with sleep changes drastically. Babies don’t play by the same sleep rules, as they don’t know day from night, eat at all hours, and always sleep better when being held. Besides the overwhelming feelings of love for new baby, there is […]

Sleep Woes Linked to Heart Disease Risk
How long did you sleep last night, and how did you feel upon waking up? According to a new study published by the American Heart Association, consistently practicing poor sleep habits could increase your risk for early signs of heart disease, compared to those who report getting the proper amount of good quality snooze. Led […]

Repeat This Method for Faster Quality Sleep!
Insomnia getting in the way of falling asleep fast or staying in dreamland? After long hard days at work and juggling a hectic to-do-list, simply climbing into bed may not be enough to bring relaxation and quality sleep. According to YouBeauty, one sleep strategy could be as easy as repetition, giving your brain the perfect […]