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The Basics Of Sleep Hygiene

The Basics Of Sleep Hygiene

Generally, when we’re hungry, we eat, and when we’re thirsty, we drink. However, in this day and age, sleep is not always sought after when we’re tired. Sleep is a basic need that is often overlooked due to a busy schedule, love for technology, and numerous other things we’d rather be doing. To accomplish everything […]

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Study: Light in Bedrooms Linked to Obesity

Study: Light in Bedrooms Linked to Obesity

Every now and then, it’s normal to fall asleep with the lights on after a hard day. However, a recent study at the Institute of Cancer Research in London suggests that the amount of light in a woman’s bedroom may be associated with obesity. Published in the American Journal of Epidemiology and reported by BBC News, […]

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Contagious Yawning May Be Linked To Age Instead Of Empathy

Contagious Yawning May Be Linked to Age

We do not know a lot about yawning, aside the fact that it is contagious. According to The Huffington Post, there are many theories about why we yawn, including the most widely accepted reason; it’s a display of empathy. Past research has supported the theory that the closer our relationship is to a person, the more […]

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College Athletes Benefit from Extended Sleep

College Athletes Benefit from Extended Sleep

A study conducted on members of the Stanford basketball team shows that increasing your sleep longevity can actually help you perform better than ever. The study monitored the subjects for 2-4 weeks maintaining their regular sleeping habits, and then the subjects spent 5-7 weeks where they were encouraged to get a minimum of 10 hours […]

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