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Ask Brandon: Should I Try Melatonin Or Just Stay Up?

Ask Brandon

I always tell people that if you take care of your body with sleep, it will take care of you! Make sure that you are practicing healthy sleep habits and promoting them within your household.  With that being said, these questions were great!

Q: If I use a melatonin supplement to fall asleep at night, is it likely that I’ll become more dependent or addicted to it to an extent? Thanks!

A: Like anything the body naturally produces, using additional supplements can have negative effects. It’s suggested that people using melatonin only use it for 3-4 days at a time as a method of resetting your clock, rather than become dependent on it for sleep.

Q: Possibly a long shot, but is it better to get very little sleep, or no sleep at all? Say I have to be at work at 4 AM. Would I be better off going to sleep at 1 AM or just staying up?

A: Sleeping for 60 minutes or less is going to be better than getting no sleep at all. Sleeping in blocks of 30 minutes, for example, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes, will allow your body to go through full sleep cycles (each 30 minutes). I highly advise setting an alarm or such that will help you to make sure you sleep in full cycles. I would go a maximum of 3 hours if you cannot get up to 8 hours. So, from 1AM to 2:30AM, or to 3:00AM, would be better for you than no sleep at all for sure in my opinion. Thanks for asking!

Q: I have been having horrific dreams every night for 2 months, except when I sleep on the couch. Why?

A: The bed psychologically speaking may be a source of anguish or stress. This is not uncommon, especially if trauma or stress related memories are triggered by being in your bed. If you are able to achieve 8+ hours of restful sleep on the couch, that may be advisable until you are able to figure out what is raising your stress levels in regards to the bed. Sorry to hear about that and I hope there’s a quick resolution to this situation!

Make sleep your new best friend for improvements in all aspects of your life. You can’t lose with this positive relationship. It gives optimism, energy, productivity, and keeps the doctor away! Get 7-9 hours of high quality sleep tonight!

Email all of your sleep-related questions to for a little help getting back on track with your snooze!

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